Hubby goes in for his orchiotomy tomorrow. Discarding the bad nut. Can't say I'm not a little apprehensive. Not the surgery so much, just that he's loosing a sperm manufacturing area... Yes, I know it's non-functional. I know it's not doing him any good. I know it puts him at a high risk for testicular cancer. But, somehow it seems like a step farther from babies. Illogical, I know. Thankfully that's what this blog is for!
So, prayers would be appreciated. My poor hubby almost faints at the sight of needles. It will be a very trying day for him. We have played out the whole thing. I have given him every nurse insider tip possible. We ran through the OR play-by-play. Now let's hope it all goes as planned. AND, that he doesn't stop producing testosterone, or something crazy like that.
Also, BFF is still bleeding. They are going to see her Monday in the clinic. I hate living so far away from her. Prayers for her and her little one. Or loss of little one. And her hubby too.
Hopefully we can start talking babies again after this nutty issue is resolved...
1024th Friday Blog Roundup
When I grow up, I want to be my kids. They have much firmer boundaries with
protecting their emotional health and sticking to them than I do. A case in
1 day ago
good luck to your hubby!
Good luck to you, your husband, and your friend! <3
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